island03.txt "We've been waiting for you, Dave. Dinner is about to be served." "Sorry to keep you, Jess, I started talking with Matt in the lab and you know how we get when we talk about film. Anyway the print should be ready by the time we retire to the library after dinner." "Ooooohh yea!" exclaimed Sandy. "Like I said before, I want to see Jess's big cock pounding into me." "I'd like to see that again too. But I'd much rather feel it." Ariel rubbed Jess' crotch as she spoke. Just then the butler came in and announced that dinner was served. "Thanks, Carl. Shall we dine?" Amid three voices chiming in agreement, the group walked toward the large ornate dinning room -- though dinning hall is probably more descriptive. Once there, the multicourse dinner was served in a fashion that rivaled the most elegant four star restaurant; with servants constantly walking around fussing with plates and glasses. They made sure everyone had exactly what they wanted before they asked for it. It ran like clockwork. Over dessert, Jess changed the topic of conversation to business. "The rest of the crew and the entire cast will be here the day after tomorrow." "Who all is here now?" "Well, Dave, other than the two Jamaican caretakers and us, we have three maids, a butler, and a cook, who all switch from my personal salary to the company payroll tomorrow. Max and John, the pilots, have taken the plane back to Miami. They will bring the cast and the remaining crew. Right now Matt is here -- and one of his assistants, also. The assistant comes out of Matt's expenses, not ours." "It sure sounds as if things are off to a good start." "All arrangements have been made for a comfortable three month stay, Sandy. We should leave here with quite a few top quality movies." "Is everything ready for this first one? Are the supplies here?" "Yes, Ariel. The film has already been delivered -- it came over last week. I sent it from New York with Matt, personally. We'll have no more Super Slut disasters." Jess was referring to the time when shooting of the X-rated take off of Supergirl had to be held up for three days while film was being delivered. The wholesaler promised the film would be at the Miami Airport where Jess's plane was waiting. When it didn't show up, Matt and the director had to spend the next week in a Miami Beach hotel making phone calls and waiting for other promised shipments that never arrived. They finally found a new source in Los Angeles that had the required amount in stock, and the next day they were on their way back to the island. By this time, the cast and film crew had already been on the island for five d ays and shooting was supposed to have begun three days earlier; a long time in the porn film business. "So fill us in, Jess. I haven't seen this script and I know that Sandy and Ariel haven't seen it either." "Oh, I have seen it, Dave. I just finished reading it in Jess's room while you were in the lab. It's marvelous." "Ok, so Ariel has seen it. What is the story line?" "Well, Dave, this story takes place in Maine during the summertime. We'll use some shots of the eastern shore of the island to give the feeling of Maine cliffs. A newlywed couple moves to a deserted shoreline area so the husband can have privacy as he write his book. She's a virgin when they marry so everything she knows about sex is from him and he's not very good or imaginative. She also finds that she likes it a lot." "Anyway, during his breaks from the typewriter, he fucks her quite often, and she grows use to it. One day the book is finished and he has to go to New York to deliver it to the publisher. Since it's his first book and they are poor, she can't go." "A horny bitch with no cock." "Almost, Sandy. This consumes the first fifteen minutes and we've already seen quite a bit of screwing. Anyway, he's gone and she gets desperate -- cucumbers, broom handles, and a few other things. Later three college boys on a sailing trip have to put in at the cove below her cottage and we get some pretty erotic footage of gang sex. The lady who delivers food and mail once a week shows up during this and joins in. After the husband comes home the wife begins taking long walks as he writes. And it just so happens that the sailing college boys have decided to moor within a short walk of the cottage. They also picked up a college coed who had planned on spending the summer hiking the woods of Maine, but changed her mind when she met the boys." "Four guys and three girls. Who did we get? "Well, Ariel, the story hasn't got much of a plot as you know from reading it, but we have Greg 'Cum' Up, and John Waltson as two of the guys, along with Sindy, Beverly Bryson, and Tanya I. Tyson as the girls. With this cast we should get great sex. The two other guys are new but I'm told by Danvers, who will be directing this, that they practically drag the ground as they walk, and their acting is suppose to be decent also." "You have that butt fucking Danvers directing this?" "Calm down, Dave. We have a contract for two more movies with the little shit. He agreed to do both of them this month so we have him for the first two. That way we complete our end of the obligation and then the fart is on his own." "Fuck it, Jess. Couldn't we just buy him off?" Dave slammed his fist down on the table. "Dave's right. That asshole has screwed us all -- and his type of screwing doesn't use a cock." "I know, Ariel. We've all had our problems with the bastard, but we can't buy him off. Our lawyers have worked this out and it's the best we can get. Besides, everything the asshole's done has been a box office smash. The man has the magic to uch." "Well don't leave me alone with him near the swimming pool -- at least until the pictures are made. I won't be responsible for my actions." "We're stuck with this, Dave, so make the best of it. Be as nice as you can be. Try anyway." "Ok, I'll be civilized, but it won't be easy. So when does Mr. God arrive?" "First thing tomorrow." "Well at least Sandy will be here to help brighten the place. It's been over a year since she was here for a film. I'd love to fuck her again." "After the film is over, Dave." Sandy reached over and grabbed his crotch and gave it a little squeeze. "I guess I'll have to make sure you don't have enough energy to waste our star's pussy." "Who plays the wife, Jess? "Tanya... a new sensation from the west coast... a real fucker... and a body that won't quit." "But that seems to be the biggest role -- the most fucking is what I mean. Shouldn't Sandy or Bev have that one? They are the bigger boxoffice draws." "And we're going to make Tanya a big boxoffice draw with this film, Dave. Besides, Tanya was chosen to play the wife because she looks younger than the other two -- but don't tell them I said that." They all chuckled. "Danvers feels that she w ill make the more convincing virgin bride as she discovers sex. He's used her before in a similar role with success." The conversation drifted to other business matters of concern to the film production company. Jess gave a short summary of the financial position, which was great. Ariel discussed the current state of the distribution side of the business, which included the present law suit in two major midwestern cities over the opening of Satin Sex which seemed to have pushed the limits of pornography in those two cities. Sandy presented a short review of copyright talks that were going on with a major cable TV company, and Dave gave a general management review of the entire operation. When Dave had finished, Carl came into the dining room and announced that coffee and tea were now in the library. "Well, shall we adjourn to the library?" Jess got up, followed by the other three, and left the room.